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  • 10/11/2016

    Works as specified if you stay in the limits. Just a little warning: during my tests, I lowered the input voltage and under 3.5V, the circuit doesn't cut but becomes crazy and the output (that was set to 15V with the pot.) jumps to 40V with no load. With a 2k resistor at the output, it only goes to 30V. Of course, this is under the specified minimum voltage, but for solar applications, how can you guarantee that the input voltage will not be there? So when it says "Module Suitable For Solar Panel" I'm suspicious. If you really want to use it like that, you could add a small circuit between the solar panels and the converter to cut it if the voltage drops under the minimum 3.8V or clamp the output with a zener (there's no voltage rating on the output capacitor so that kind of overvoltage could damage it if it is not designed to handle 40V) Also the problem with that kind of circuit is that if you try to extract too much current from a solar cell, its voltage drops, but then the converter will try to get even more current to keep it's output and the input voltage drops even more... So you also have to add a circuit that limits the output current when the input voltage drops. Conclusion: good circuit if you use it properly but not really appropriate for solar panels despite what it says in the title.

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  • 27/01/2021

    Sarà utilizzato in futuro con i vecchi alimentatori per PC per tensioni variabili. L'ho testato con un alimentatore e ho misurato la tensione in uscita. L'ingresso era di 7,2 Volt. Ho usato l'uscita a tensioni superiori a 25 V fino a 1,5 Volt. Il trimmer per la tensione di uscita è estremamente sensibile (potenziometro a 10 giri) in modo che la tensione esatta possa essere impostata facilmente. La tensione in ingresso dovrebbe essere 5 volt o superiore per l'uscita stabile.

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